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Constitution of Tod Walkers

1. Name

The name of the organisation is Tod Walkers

2. Aims and principles

Tod Walkers has the following objectives:

– to encourage recreational walking in the Todmorden area, both for local people and visitors

– to campaign for better facilities for walkers, including the adequate maintenance of existing footpaths/bridleways and the creation of new footpaths

In meeting these objectives, Tod Walkers will as much as possible seek to encourage the use of public transport.

3. Equal opportunities

Tod Walkers aims to be open and accessible to all.

4. Membership

Membership is open to adults on payment of the current membership subscription (as set by the committee from time to time).

5. General Meetings

Control of Tod Walkers ultimately rests with General Meetings of members.

6. General Meetings

a) Notice of meetings

The Secretary will be responsible for informing members of the date, time and place of General Meetings, together with an indication of the issues to be discussed, by giving at least ten days’ notice. The emailing, posting or hand-delivering of such notices to the last notified address of each member will be considered sufficient for this to have been undertaken.

b) Minutes of meetings

The Secretary will ensure that minutes are taken of all General Meetings, recording attendance, apologies for absence and any decisions taken.

c) Chairing of meetings

General Meetings shall choose one member present as Chairperson for that meeting.

d) Decision making

Where possible, decisions shall be taken by consensus. By consensus is meant a situation where all members present are in agreement on an issue, or where those not in agreement agree not to maintain an objection.

In the event of consensus not being possible, the Chairperson will either defer the issue to the next subsequent General Meeting, or will put it to the vote.

e) Quorum

The quorum will be five members or 5% of members, whichever is the greater.

f) Holding of General Meetings

Annual General Meetings shall be held each year, in September. The Committee (as defined in clause (8) below) is responsible for choosing the dates of the Annual General Meeting and for setting the agenda of the meeting.

Extraordinary General Meetings will be held within three weeks of receipt by the Secretary of a written request for such a meeting by 20% of members or five members, whichever is the greater.

g) The Annual General Meeting is responsible for electing the Committee.

7. The Committee

The Committee shall be made up of members and shall be responsible for overseeing the work of the organisation between General meetings. The Committee shall consist of:

– the Secretary

– the Treasurer

– the Chairperson

-the Vice- Chair person

– such other members as the Annual General Meeting may decide, including a representative from each current project.

The committee shall have the power to co-opt other persons, including non-members from time to time.

The quorum for the committee shall be three members.

All members shall have the right to attend Committee meetings.

8. The Secretary

The Secretary shall be responsible for:

– Maintaining a list of all current members of the organisation

– Publicising the work of the organisation locally

– Ensuring that Committee meetings and General meetings are properly summonsed and adequately minuted

9. The Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be responsible for:

– The proper handling of the organisation’s funds and assets

– Keeping of adequate cash and bank books

– Overseeing the preparation of the annual income and expenditure account

10. Annual accounts

Accounts will be drawn up on a calendar year basis.

The Treasurer will ensure that accurate income and expenditure accounts for each calendar year are drawn up, within eight weeks of the end of each year.

Prepared accounts shall be subject to verification for accuracy by a suitable independent person, chosen by the Committee. Accounts shall be presented to the next subsequent Annual General Meeting, for approval by the meeting.

Tod Walkers, as a community organisation, operates on a not-for-profit basis.

11. Bank account

A bank account will be operated. Signatories for the account will be chosen by the committee. At least two approved signatories will be necessary for every cheque drawn on the account.

12. Amendment of constitution

This constitution may be amended by vote of members at a General Meeting, providing that a motion to that effect has been submitted to the Secretary by the Committee or by three members at least two weeks before the date of the meeting. The Secretary has a duty to ensure that the full text of any such motion is circulated in writing in advance to all members, in line with clause (6) above.

Any motion to amend the constitution must be passed by at least two-thirds of the members present and voting.

13. Dissolution

The organisation may be formally dissolved by vote at General Meeting. Any such motion to dissolve the organisation shall be treated in the same way as a motion to amend the constitution, as outlined in clause (12) above.

14. Assets

All assets owned by the organisation will be used for the aims of the organisation.

In the event of the dissolution of the organisation, any remaining assets shall be used to further the work of other not-for-profit organisations with similar aims and objectives and shall not be distributed to members.

Adopted at inaugural meeting on 3rd March 2015. Officers elected for September 2015 -September 2016

Robin Asby………………………………..Chair

David Lepper……………………………………Vice-Chair

Penelope Marrington…………………… Secretary

Annette Williams…………………………Treasurer